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Humans will always be curious about whether or not we have galactic neighbors, and if they would be our friends or foes. Maybe the answers are in the stars or in secret government files. Until we know the truth, we have some great movies on Netflix about alien visitors. Minor spoilers ahead!
Have you ever had a nightmare that comes true? If so, you might be intrigued by the premise of the film Extinction. Thats exactly what happens to Peter, who begins having bad dreams about an invading force that comes to Earth, threatening the safety of his family and everything he holds dear. Little does he know that these disturbing nightmares would actually turn out to be premonitions. When he visits a psychiatrist to get to the root of these dreams, he encounters another patient whos been suffering from the same night terrors, and he begins to wonder if there is something bigger going on.
Unfortunately, Peters suspicions prove to be correct: one night, spaceships suddenly descend upon the city and attack. Peter and his wife manage to snag a weapon from one of the invading soldiers, and Peter utilizes the knowledge from his visions to protect his family, but his understanding of whats actually happening can only get them so far. Peter is about to discover that he was receiving these visions for a reason, and when he finds out why, the knowledge turns his life upside down.
A road trip with friends goes very, very wrong in The Signal. Three MIT students, Jonah, Nic, and Haley, are driving all the way across the United States. Haley is relocating to California, and the guys are coming along to help out with the move. Nic worries that Haleys new life will complicate his relationship with her. However, all of these troubles will soon fade into the background when the trio is faced with a much more dire threat.
As the three friends settle into their hotel room for the night, they discover that a hacker named NOMAD has been tracking them and found their location. This isnt their first run-in with the hacker. NOMAD almost got them expelled back at MIT when they were accessing the schools private servers. Nic and Jonah decide to get back at NOMAD by tracking the hackers location and heading to the abandoned house where he is supposedly hiding out. When they arrive, they find nothing, but when Haley is suddenly pulled into the sky, it becomes obvious that the group has stumbled into something they never could have imagined. Keep watching the video to see all the alien movies on Netflix that should be required viewing.
Extinction | 0:00
The Signal | 1:21
Revolt | 2:22
Beyond Skyline | 3:31
At First Light | 4:23
The Darkest Dawn | 5:15
Under the Skin | 6:10
Apollo 18 | 6:58
Occupation | 7:49
Cloverfield | 8:58
Evolution | 10:08
#ДокторСтрендж #ДокторСтренджЭволюция #ДокторСтренджвсепоявления
Доктор Стивен Винсент Стрэндж — вымышленный супергерой, появляющийся в американских комиксах издательства Marvel Comics. Созданный художником Стивом Дитко и
сценаристом Стэном Ли, персонаж дебютировал в 1963г, где он разделил комикс с Человеком-факелом.
Впервые на телевидении Доктор Стрендж появился в одноименном фильме в 1978г, основанном но персонаже комиксаов.Режиссёром фильма выступил Филип Дегер,
который снял его специально для телевидения. Стэн Ли выступил в качестве консультанта.
В сериале «Человек-паук и его удивительные друзья» 1983 года Доктор Стрэндж появляется в 6-й серии 1-го сезона, где является одним из семи супергероев Вселенной
Marvel, которых заманил в ловушку злодей Хамелеон.
Через 10 лет Верховный маг земли появляется в мультсериале Люди Икс, шедшем с 1992 по 97 г.
Доктор Стрэндж появляется в первой серии третьего сезона сериала «Человек-Паук» 1994 года, где помогает главному герою победить Барона Мордо и Дормамму.
Далее Доктор Стрэндж появляется во втором сезоне сериала «Невероятный Халк», шедшего с 96 по 98г, где вместе с Женщиной-Халк спасал Брюса Баннера от вселившегося
в него демона.
В 2007 году вышел полнометражный компьютерный анимационный фэнтезийный мультфильм Доктор Стрэндж и Тайна Ордена магов, рассказывающий историю становления верховного
Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange is a fictional superhero who appears in American comics published by Marvel Comics. Created by artist Steve Ditko and
Writer Stan Lee, the character debuted in 1963, where he shared a comic with Torch Man.
For the first time on television, Dr. Strange appeared in the film of the same name in 1978, based on the character of comics. Philip Deger made the film director,
who shot it specifically for television. Stan Lee acted as a consultant.
In the 1983 TV series Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, Dr. Strange appears in the 6th series of the 1st season, where he is one of seven superheroes in the Universe
Marvel trapped by the villain Chameleon.
After 10 years, the High Mage of the Earth appears in the animated series X-Men, which went from 1992 to 97.
Dr. Strange appears in the first episode of the third season of the Spiderman series in 1994, where he helps the main character defeat Baron Mordo and Dormmma.
Next, Dr. Strange appears in the second season of the Incredible Hulk series, which went from 96 to 98g, where, together with the Woman-Hulk, he saved Bruce Banner from settling
in him a demon.
In 2007, the full-length computer animated fantasy cartoon Doctor Strange and the Mystery of the Order of the Mages was released, telling the story of the formation of the supreme
Вы готовы дети? Да, капитан! — ответите вы, если поняли, о каком мультфильме сейчас пойдет речь. Если кто не знал, поклонники желтого Губки Боба скоро смогут отпраздновать 19летие любимого мультфильма. Представляете, сколько лет исполняется главным героям? Ха! А вот и нет. На самом деле губке Бобу уже перевалило за 30! Но мы не будем спойлерить всякие интересности во вступлении, поэтому предлагаем вам посмотреть этот ролик, из которого вы узнаете такие штуки, о которых наверняка не знали
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